Question of the day: Is it crossplay, if you are a female cosplaying a male that looks and dresses like a female? Whatever it is, Felix was kind of an odd choice of cosplay for me. I usually tend not to cosplay males just because often find myself liking the girl characters and their outfits more and thus wanting to cosplay them. And I don't even like blue as a color, that is the most used color in Felix's outfit. But something about the design of the costume and Felix as a character hit me hard. It may have been the lilac lining, big bows and stripes. But honestly, I think that the biggest reason for me to fell for this costume was the cat ears. So, Let's start this costume with them.
Left ear ready to be cut from craft foam |
ears. I first made the pattern from paper. A lot of cutting taping and fitting was involved in this process. Once I was happy with the pattern I traced it to craft foam, cut it and glued the slits/seams together. To make it hold the shape, I glued wire to the bottom of the ear. To hide the wire I glued baby pink felt to the inside of the ears.
After this part came the most time consuming part- making the fluffs. I had wool thread (acrylic would have been better, but I couldn't find one in right shade of brown). I combed them open with a brush and then used hair straightener to flatten them. After that it was time to make wefts by gluing all the wefts. When the glue was dry I trimmed the edges nice and attached the wefts to the ears. Trimming the wefts was done after all the wefts were on place.
Threads waiting to be combed |
Drying wefts |
wefts attached to the ear |
tail. For the tail I used same technique, but instead of using glue I made a knot to the middle of the thread before combing, so I could sew them to the core of the tail. This way it is more durable. The core was made from strong wire. then I braided wool thread tightly around the wire. The tail has a elastic waistband.
costume. For the main piece of the costume I used cotton fabrics, that had a little bit of stretch to it. The lining was some viscose polyester blend. For the details I used satin ribbon and chiffon.
Fabrics, except white chiffon and cotton. |
Patterns for the top were quite interesting to make. I didn't want seam to separate the top and the bottom part too much so I made the center front top panels part of the bottom(skirt) part. That seam would be hidden under the ribbon. The zipper is located center front. Back ribbon was huge to say the least :D

The top part was triangles. I made seam in the middle, and hid it with satin ribbon,
For the bottom part I wanted to add a lot of flare, so I added horsehair braid to the hem. The skirt part is little longer in the back. The blue skirt is separate and it is just a basic skirt with elastic waste band.
There is a stretch on the back of the costume |
The bow is actually zipper. The blue lace was made by myself |
Nice hairclip bows |
I don't have lot to say about the costume. It was nice to made and I enjoyed making the ears and tail. The bows looked amazing and the costume is nice to wear (except the huge back bow). So here, Have some pictures of me wearing the costume.
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